Archive for July, 2009|Monthly archive page

D.C. Endless Summer Chapter 1 by Kansai Orange

I guess it’s time to make our first release. It’s been sitting around for a while now and we figured we’d post our first translation release: D.C. Endless Summer by Kansai Orange.

I don't think this is what she meant when she wanted to make everyone happy ;_;

I don't think this is what she meant when she wanted to make everyone happy ;_;

I’ll warn you right now, Nemu fans might rage at this one (it certainly infuriated Nomake Wan for a good few minutes. Maybe that’s why he got back at me by translating page eleven that way). It’s also fairly rough, so if you’re not too keen on seeing poor J1 saying hello to Aisia, you’ve been warned. Oh, and did I mention there’s a second chapter of this too that we’ll be releasing later once it’s done?

Depositfiles link
E-Hentai Gallery (a torrent is available there)

If you have any problems let us know in the comments page.

Ready to go, count zero!

Kamen raida Agitoooo~

Okay, that’s enough of that.

Welcome to Rider Kick Translations, where we do what every other translation group does – translate doujins into English. However, we’re different because we also Rider Kick them in the process. It’s not a very distinctive difference, but give it some time.
As to WHY we’re called Rider Kick Translations, you’ll have to blame our group’s translator, Nomake Wan, for that. The first translated work we’ve done, Da Capo Endess Summer by Kansai Orange/関西オレンジ had a translation on page eleven that made me laugh at first before facepalming and forever associating the opening to Kamen Rider Agito with translated porn.

In any case, we’re a more casual translation group than anything else, so don’t expect us to start churning releases on a regular basis. We’re also pretty new at this translation gig, so bear with us. We hope you enjoy our translations as much as we enjoyed the doujins we translate!
Just, you know… try not to fap too hard.