Ready to go, count zero!

Kamen raida Agitoooo~

Okay, that’s enough of that.

Welcome to Rider Kick Translations, where we do what every other translation group does – translate doujins into English. However, we’re different because we also Rider Kick them in the process. It’s not a very distinctive difference, but give it some time.
As to WHY we’re called Rider Kick Translations, you’ll have to blame our group’s translator, Nomake Wan, for that. The first translated work we’ve done, Da Capo Endess Summer by Kansai Orange/関西オレンジ had a translation on page eleven that made me laugh at first before facepalming and forever associating the opening to Kamen Rider Agito with translated porn.

In any case, we’re a more casual translation group than anything else, so don’t expect us to start churning releases on a regular basis. We’re also pretty new at this translation gig, so bear with us. We hope you enjoy our translations as much as we enjoyed the doujins we translate!
Just, you know… try not to fap too hard.

1 comment so far

  1. Nomake Wan on

    Hey there, Nomake Wan here. I’m that guy who does that thing with the translation stuff. I read the funny-looking pictograph things and then type up totally-un-fancy notepad files with roman text so that Fragger here can do his magic art skillz junk and turn it into something everyone can read. I used to do all that magic junk myself, but who am I to refuse an offer to have someone do the hard shit for me!? Not N1, man.

    Hopefully the release of Endless Summer will come soon. It’s pretty much finished, just some tweaking here and there and then bam, distro. For those who read it and go, “Hey! The Afterward says there’s another book,” yes, we plan on translating the sequel doujin as well. Too bad there’s no sequel to the sequel.

    Once those are done… well. Since this poor guy has offered to be my gopher, I’ll dump my old (read: 2006 and later) projects onto him. These are, for instance, Mahou Shoujo Neko XXXF and ALxRAN. I’d definitely love to get the Mahou Shoujo Neko XXX series taken care of, but ALxRAN is the best Macross F doujin I’ve ever read… etc. I also can’t forget about my beloved Da Capo, so there’s also things like Girls Pop and Sakura no Kobako…

    Sigh. Well, that’s it in a nutshell, peeps. See you in clock up space.


    [CLOCK UP]

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