About Rider Kick Translations

It all started long long ago, in a galaxy far, far away…

… okay, not THAT far. The group is composed of two people, so I guess it’s more of a partnership than anything else, really.

Nomake Wan – translator. He’s fairly proficient at the Japanese language, and years of eroge (and a few lessons) have honed his skill. Just don’t give him really difficult Kanji, I guess. Oh, and he also does eroge reviews every other week or so on the Initial D World forums video broadcast.

Pikachu_Fragger – typesetter. I’ve spent over 801378412356 hours on MS Paint, so I do have some certification for typesetting. I’m also the one who maintains the blog because as Nomake put it, he’s “just gonna post terrible things on it anyway”. Not that I don’t do that already, but still.