Archive for the ‘regular sex’ Category

Shoujo A by Ken

And so comes our fourth release, a oneshot from Comic INO Volume 1 called Shoujo A by Ken. It’s the story of a normal looking schoolgirl with some abnormally high libido. And then she decides to make a business out of it.


Dammit, why does she remind me of Tomoyo from CCS?

Of course, like all things, one must do them in moderation… well, I’m leaving that alone so that I don’t spoil anything.

Depositfiles Link
E-Hentai Gallery (… torrent is currently iffy due to a problem in typing out the tracker, and we haven’t been able to get it fixed again. We’ll have to make a new one somehow.)


Oh, and as a teaser for the next project we have lined up…

Yes, Ranka’s nipples look more like milk duds

Girl’s Pop by Kinema Bambi

And now for our third release, it’s Girl’s Pop by Kinema Bambi!


Awww, how cute~ and she finally looks happy in this one.

Unlike the last title, this one’s a lot more lighthearted. In fact, Aisia even offers to help out this time.


Don't worry kids, that's not what she really says. It's just payback from that last raep dou- wait did, she really just say didgeridoo?

And apparently the author seems to be influenced by the art style from Getbackers, at least those involving chibi Ginji… or maybe that’s just me.


'Sup Ginj- waaaait a minute...

As usual, here’s the links!
Depositfiles Link
E-Hentai Gallery (with torrent)